Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chipping Green

       Today we met with Blake Bickford of the Fazio Design Group to look at changes to our chipping green. Blake has been involved at Forest Creek since 1995 when he was the field representative for Fazio Design doing both Forest Creek South and Pinehurst Number 8.  Blake was the lead architect on the Forest Creek North construction.  The changes to the chipping green have been under consideration for a number of years.  It was reviewed by Tom Fazio during his last site visit several years ago.  The main concern has always been that the green was too small and the contours too severe for suitable practice shots. The decision was made to enlarge this green as part of a conversion to “miniverde” ultradwarf bermuda grass.  The green will be enlarged to around 5,000 square feet and the finished grade will be lowered approximately 18 inches.  The bermuda areas around the enlarged green will extend out further than they presently do. The top of the existing bunker will be lowered 2-3 feet.  Based upon how the shaping works out a second bunker might be added.  Unfortunately, we will be removing several nice long leaf pines to keep shade off of the new putting surface.  These new bermuda grasses require all day sun for success.
       Over the next several weeks this area will be “under construction”.  The likely timing of the grassing of this green is the middle of June.  Modern Turf is providing the “miniverde” bermuda grass free of charge so that our membership can see this process and experience the putting surface provided by this new grass.  Our grassing will be scheduled around the grassing at Quail Hollow and the grassing at Midpines.  Blake Bickford will return in a couple of weeks to review our finished grades before we sprig the bermuda grass. The grow in process will last most of the summer but we should have a completed green before Labor day.

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